Course 1: Introduction to Digital Literacy
In this 12-hour course, students will have the opportunity to explore the fundamentals of digital literacy, including an overview of hardware, software, and the internet. Not only will students develop some hands-on skills, they will also learn how to be responsible internet-users and perhaps even tech champions in their own communities!
Introduction to Digital Literacy provides a hands-on introduction to digital information and communication technology (ICT) in the Northwest Territories. The course is divided into four modules covering digital devices, internet, social media and applications, and being proactive online. Also included are examples of digital innovations taking place in NWT communities, and resources that can support their own community-based technology development projects.
Participants gain an introduction to digital technologies in the context of the NWT. They will discuss some of the benefits and challenges that arise alongside emergent technologies, and share strategies to help their families and communities be more proactive and avoid potentially negative impacts. The course is meant to stimulate interest in digital technologies, and so ends with a session about additional resources and supports for people who want to pursue further work or study in this area.