Pascal also has a wealth of experience in Fintech developing enterprise applications and training users.
He has been primarily been assisting the DigitalNWT project with his technical knowledge of design & technology.
With several successful projects under his belt, Daniel is a seasoned project manager and currently works as the DigitalNWT project manager.
She is the creator of the social media language revitalization awareness initiative Gwich'in Language Revival Campaign #SpeakGwichinToMe.
Ms. Giselle Marion is a Tłı̨chǫ Citizen and was born and raised in Behchokǫ̀.
Dr. Rob McMahon is the Co-Director of the DigitalNWT project and the Primary Investigator for the University of Alberta team.
Leanne Goose is from Canada's Western Arctic town of Inuvik, Northwest Territories.
Samantha Blais is a research assistant at the University of Alberta and a doctoral student in the Department of History and Classics.
Ayush Taneja is from India. He is pursuing a Masters in Internetworking from the computing science department at the University of Alberta.